Recent research shows that planting trees is the most cost-effective and realistic way to preserve our planet.
Trees are important tools in the fight to stave off global warming. They absorb and store carbon dioxide (CO2)—the key greenhouse gas emitted by our daily activity — before it has a chance to reach the upper atmosphere and trap heat around the Earth’s surface, making our world a healthier, and safer place to live.
Therefore trees are considered nature’s most efficient “carbon sinks”. It is this characteristic that makes planting trees a form of climate change mitigation.
1treellion and industry partners working together to infuse a cultural change and make a positive impact on the planet. A step forward in building a ‘People and Planet’ centered global economy with an opportunity for industry leaders to move the needle making their company carbon neutral.
1treellion is working with CEOs of main industries to take a step forward in building this ‘People and Planet’ centered global economy. It is the CEO of each organization the one who drives its culture and the CEO Pledge allows them to become conscious ambassadors and leaders of the change!
There are several ways to do it.
We work with HR to make a company more sustainable. Drop us an email at info@1treellion.org and we will set a meeting to help achieve your sustainability goals.